Both Sides Photography Is the Home for the Photography of Jeffrey Hughes

JEFFREY HUGHES - founder of Both Sides Photography, based in Jersey City, NJ - has been on a lifelong quest for balance and harmony. Having equally strong loves for science and art, much of his life has been about reconciling his rational and creative sides. In his professional life, Jeff, known as “Doc,” earned a PhD in Organic Chemistry, embarked on a research career, and later switched to a career in medical advertising to give his creative side more of a voice.

This same desire to gratify both sides of his personality led him to embrace photography at the dawn of the digital photography era. Digital photography became a happy home for his intellectual and artistic halves with its blending of creative spontaneity and technology. He gravitated to both landscape and cityscape photography and subsequently reconciled the two within the hybrid idea of the Ambiscape™.

Both Sides Photography is the embodiment of his ongoing explorations across the spectrums from landscape to cityscape and from science to art.